Joburg North City Marathon

Run Zone AC presents our aQuellé Joburg North City Marathon 2025

This race is an approved Qualifier for Two Oceans and Comrades Marathons

Runzone Joburg North City Marathon Logo

Stay Up To Date With The Latest News And Happenings

Date and Time of Race

2 February 2025

42km will start at 06h00

21km will start at 06h00

10km will start at 06h30

5km will start at 06h30

Entry Fees

42kmincludes Race MedalR 250.00
21kmincludes Race MedalR 150.00
10kmincludes Race MedalR 110.00
5kmincludes Race MedalR 80.00
*Above prices exclude online transaction fees

Race Number Collections

31 January 2025 from 10:00 to 19:00 at Marks Park
1 February 2025 from 10:00 to 18:00 at Marks Park
2 February 2025 from 04:00 to 06:00 at Marks Park

Online Entries 30 January 2025 midnight

Manual Entries Monday to Friday 10:00 to 18:30 at Northcliff Country Club, 1 Fir Drive, Northcliff
(Last Day 30 January 2025)

Late Entries available at Race Collections at Marks Park Sports Ground (as above)

Time Limits and Cut-Offs

5km – 1.5hrs
10km – 2.5hrs
21.1km – 4hrs
42km – 7hrs

Prize Money (Men & Women)

Open Category

1st Place

42.2 km - R1 700

1st Place

21.1 km - R800

1st Place

10 km - R600

2nd Place

42.2 km - R1 200

2nd Place

21.1 km - R500

2nd Place

10 km - R300

3rd Place

42.2 km - R900

3rd Place

21.1 km - R300

3rd Place

10 km - R150

40-49 Category

1st Place

42.2 km - R700

1st Place

21.1 km - R500

1st Place

10 km - R300

2nd Place

42.2 km - R450

2nd Place

21.1 km - R250

2nd Place

10 km - R150

50-59 Category

1st Place

42.2 km - R700

1st Place

21.1 km - R500

1st Place

10 km - R300

60+ Category

1st Place

42.2 km - R700

1st Place

21.1 km - R500

1st Place

10 km - R300


1st Place

10 km - R300


The cut-off date for ordering all merchandise is the 13 January 2025.

Race T-shirt


Female XS - XXL
Male XS - XXL



One size fits all

Draw String Bag


No size

Long Sleeve Tee


Female XS - XXL
Male XS - XXL

Clubs and Gazebos

Kindly book your space at and Run Zone will pre-allocate your space.

Remaining spots will be available for set-up from 10am on Saturday 1 February on a “first come, first serve basis. 

Please remember that cooldrinks and snacks may be provided by club hosts, however no cooler boxes with alcohol is permitted.

Venue Bar and Restaurant will be open to the public.

Vendors and Exhibitors

Should you have a product or service you wish to sell or market at our event, kindly apply to Run Zone at for screening and if we are on the same page we will confirm your booking.

Rates for an open gazebo stand site:
R500 for 3 x 3 (1 gazebo site)
R1 000 for 3 x 6 (2 gazebo sites)
R2 000 for 6 x6 (4 gazebo sites)

Once applications are returned and upon acceptance by Run Zone an invoice will be sent and once paid the booking will be confirmed.


Invoice to be sent once application has been returned and/or accepted.


Rainbows and Smiles

Rainbows and Smiles is a community-based, charitable foundation dedicated to providing emotional, social and financial support to children diagnosed with cancer or a life-threatening illness, and their families and caregivers.

Rainbows and Smiles is audited to ensure that funds received from donors go towards the needs of children it supports.

Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa (HSFA)

The Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa (HSFSA) is a non-profit health NGO with a key mission of reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) as well as co-morbidities. CVD’s include heart disease, strokes, and other circulatory diseases. The focus of HSFSA is primarily on primordial and secondary prevention of risk factors; treating risk factors to prevent CVD and screening or health risk assessment to identify diseases before onset of signs and symptoms.

Race Amenities & Facilities

JMPD and Marshals

To be confirmed


Portable toilets are provided on the field at the finish and registration area as well as on route.

Tog Bags

The togs bag facility is available from 4am to 12pm at the registration area. This means you are able to utilise public transport, car pool and uber/bolt services and do not need to leave anything in the car.

Info Desk

The information desk is located at or near Registration and will handle all your race day enquiries


The Venue Operations Committee (VOC) Office is located on site and comprises a team of representatives from all key departments that are in involved in the approval of our race, such as health, emergency, security, medical, environmental health. We do not make the decisions on race day, the VOC does, so please always make sure that you the runner follows the rules to ensure our race is runs smoothly and safely!


To be confirmed


A security company has been appointed to manage, control and monitor all incidents including vehicle access to the venue.


Medical support is provided on route and at the venue. Both the venue and sweeper vehicle will include paramedics and ambulance services for attendance to any emergency.


Run Zone has implemented a successful parking strategy at our previous event and we are determined to maintain this for the purposes of looking after the surrounding residents.  Parking is strictly FREE of charge and will be managed and controlled by an appointed security company

  • No car guards are permitted and if any are found to be operating, they are considered illegal.
  • Please do not tip or pay anyone as this promotes illegal operations.
  • Vehicles parked in unauthorised areas will be towed away!

Route Support (Water Points)

Seven water points are provided approximately every 3km apart. These water points will serve both laps of the marathon route.

Water points will alternate with a variety of water sachets, aQuelle, Coca-Cola and Run Zones Jungle Juice. Food supplies include potatoes, bananas, oranges and sandwiches (peanut butter, jam and marmite/bovril).